Add Custom Body

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Sometimes, you may need to add different tags to the HTML body. This is useful for adding some custom content roots.

You can accomplish this by creating a file called preview-body.html inside the Storybook config directory and add tags like this:

<div id="my-additional-root"></div>

If using relative sizing in your project (like rem or em), you may update the base font-size by adding a style tag to preview-body.html:

body {
  font-size: 15px;

That’s it. Storybook will inject these tags to the html body. It is also possible to use environment variables.


Storybook will inject these tags to the iframe where your components are rendered. So, these won’t be loaded into the main Storybook UI. Stories are rendered into a div with ID #main, regardless of what custom content is added to the page.