Exporting Storybook as a Static App

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Storybook gives a great developer experience with its dev time features, like instant change updates via Webpack’s HMR.

But Storybook is also a tool you can use to showcase your components to others. Demos of React Native Web and React Dates are a good example for that.

For that, Storybook comes with a tool to export your storybook into a static web app. Then you can deploy it to GitHub pages or any static hosting service.

Add the following NPM script:

"scripts": {
  "build-storybook": "build-storybook -c .storybook -o .out"

Then run yarn build-storybook.

This will build the storybook configured in the Storybook directory into a static web app and place it inside the .out directory. Now you can deploy the content in the .out directory wherever you want.

To test it locally:

npx http-server .out

Deploying to GitHub Pages

Additionally, you can deploy Storybook directly into GitHub pages with our storybook-deployer tool.

Or, you can export your storybook into the docs directory and use it as the root for GitHub pages. Have a look at this guide for more information.

Deploying to Vercel

Vercel is a cloud platform for hosting static sites and Serverless Functions, that you can use to deploy your Storybook projects to your personal domain (or a free .now.sh suffixed URL).

To deploy your Storybook project to Vercel, all that’s required is to connect your Git repository and import the project. The build command, project directory, and project type will be automatically detected upon import.

If you are working with more than just a Storybook project in your repository, and just want to build Storybook for your deployment, be sure to set the build script in the package.json file to the following:

`"build": "build-storybook -c .storybook -o build"`

Once imported, a deployment will be created. From now on, every time you git push, a new Preview Deployment will be created. If pushing or merging to the default branch, a Production Deployment will be triggered.